Home Gardens Presents:
Spring Dig-In!
Help us cultivate a healthy and more equitable Oregon!

Each year in April, our Spring Dig-In volunteer team raises critical funds to support the Home Gardens program while building backyard garden beds all over the Portland metro area!

Step 1
Sign Up
Scroll to the bottom of this page to sign up as a Spring Dig-In volunteer.
Step 2
Receive Your Toolkit
We'll send you a fundraising toolkit packed full of creative fundraising ideas to get you started.
Step 3
Choose Your Events
Keep your eyes out for a list of garden-building events happening in backyards all over the Portland metro area. Choose the volunteer events that fit your schedule and grab a shovel!
Step 4
Wrap up the month with a big Earth Day celebration at the Providence Milwaukie Garden of Giving!

Countdown to Spring Dig-In!
Sign up to join us below!
Sponsorship Opportunities!
We are currently seeking sponsors for Spring Dig In! If you or your organization are interested in supporting our event, please download our sponsorship packet for more information.
Get The Packet
Register for Spring Dig-In
To register for Spring Dig-In simply enter your name and email address! We'll send your fundraising toolkit packed full of creative ways to support out work and make a meaningful impact!
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