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Do THIS Before You Start Your Radical Garden

radical gardening 101

Meet Alex, a passionate gardener with a vision for transforming a vacant lot in their neighborhood into a thriving community garden. Alex poured their heart and soul into the project, envisioning a space where neighbors could come together, learn about gardening, and enjoy fresh produce. They spent countless hours planning the layout, securing donations, and rallying volunteers.

When the day finally arrived to unveil the garden, Alex was filled with excitement and anticipation. But as the weeks passed, it became clear that their vision was not resonating with the community as they had hoped. Despite their best efforts, the garden struggled to attract visitors and maintain interest.

Feeling disheartened, Alex reflected on what went wrong. They realized that they had overlooked key aspects of community engagement and outreach. They had focused too much on the physical aspects of the garden and not enough on building relationships and understanding the needs of the community.

Determined to learn from their experience, Alex decided to shift their approach. They began reaching out to local organizations and residents to get feedback and involve them in the planning process. They hosted community meetings and workshops to gather ideas and build support for the garden.

Slowly but surely, the garden began to thrive. By listening to the community and adapting their approach, Alex was able to turn their initial setback into a valuable learning experience. The garden became a symbol of community pride and a hub for education and engagement. Alex's journey taught them that success in radical gardening is not just about the garden itself, but about the relationships and connections forged along the way.

Alex's story serves as a cautionary tale, highlighting the importance of thoughtful planning and community engagement in radical gardening projects. Luckily, you don't have to learn the hard way because Growing Gardens has your back! By following the steps in this guide, you can avoid some of the challenges Alex faced and increase the likelihood of success in your own radical gardening project. Each step in this guide is designed to help you understand your community's needs, collaborate effectively, and create a well-thought-out plan of action. Whether you're just starting out or looking to revitalize an existing project, these steps will guide you on the path to creating a vibrant and successful community resource. Let's get started! 


Step One: Explore Existing Services

First things first, every successful community project starts by researching your local services. Look for small businesses, government programs, and food system nonprofits that are already out there doing the work. Then it's time to get involved! Attend community events, volunteer, and join your local gardening club. Before you make any plans to start a project of your own it's essential to understand what resources are already in place. This not only prevents duplication of efforts but also lays the foundation for future collaboration.

Action Items:

âś…Create a list of local businesses, organizations, and government programs supporting food access in your neighborhood.
âś… Research any events, activities, and volunteer opportunities you can participate in and add them to your calendar.
âś…Put yourself out there! Start attending events and getting to know your local food system leadership. 


Step Two: Fill a Missing Gap

Now that you know what's happening in your area, it's time to dig a little deeper. Reach out to your local food system leaders for a phone call or coffee meeting. The goal is to find a service gap that they have been unable to fill. These could include food access issues, lack of green spaces, or limited educational programs. From here, you can tailor your gardening project to address an unmet need in your community. 

Action Items:

âś…Conduct at least three interviews with community members to identify pressing needs.
âś…Identify ONE gap that you would like to fill for your neighborhood.
âś…Research existing projects to understand successful approaches in other communities.


Step Three: Collaborate!

Don't try to do it all by yourself! Now is the time to brainstorm collaboration opportunities with existing organizations, community groups, and individuals. By pooling resources, expertise, and networks, you can amplify the impact of your work and create a more sustainable initiative. 

Action Items:

âś…Identify at least three potential collaborators who can help you with your project.
âś…Reach out to your list and get a casual brainstorming session on the calendar. 
âś…Look for ways you can leverage your shared knowledge to support one another with your work.


Step Four: Create a Detailed Action Plan

Now that you know your niche and your network, you can develop a plan to implement your project. Make this plan as detailed as possible! Who will you serve? What do they need? How can you support them? What will "support" look like step by step?

Now is a great time to recall our fearless leader Alex. Alex started with a gardening plan - but what they truly needed was a business plan! Even if you're not starting a "business" and collecting income, you can think of a well-thought-out Radical Garden as a product of your community service. 

Action Items:

âś…Draft a step-by-step action plan, including key milestones, collaborators, and deadlines.
âś… Develop a budget that outlines the costs associated with your project and how you plan to fund them.
âś… Identify potential challenges or obstacles and develop strategies to overcome them.


Step Five: Get Feedback

But wait! Before you jump in, it's important to seek feedback. Reach out to local food system leaders, gardening experts, and community members to review your action plan. Their insights can help you refine your approach, identify potential challenges, and gather valuable advice. Plus, you never know who can help you source materials, volunteers, and funding for your project.

Action Items:

âś…Present your action plan to at least one local food system leader or gardening expert for feedback.
âś…Conduct a focus group or feedback session with community members to gather input on your project.
âś…Use feedback to make revisions to your action plan and improve your project's chances of success.

Let's see these steps in action! 

Case Study: Sarah's Transformative Approach to Community Nutrition

Sarah, a dedicated gardener, envisioned creating a large community garden where neighbors could freely harvest fresh produce. However, her perspective shifted when she discovered an existing surplus of fresh food in her neighborhood. Through research and engagement with local resources, Sarah learned that a nearby community garden and food pantry were already providing access to fresh produce, but much of it was going to waste.

Realizing the need for a different approach, Sarah decided to pivot her project. Instead of starting a new garden, she chose to address the issue of food waste and nutritional education. Sarah developed a plan to offer cooking and nutrition classes in partnership with an existing community garden, focusing on how to make the most of the abundant fresh produce available.

By collaborating with local chefs, nutritionists, and community organizations, Sarah was able to create a program that not only reduced food waste but also empowered her neighbors with valuable cooking skills and nutritional knowledge. Through her initiative, Sarah not only transformed her initial project idea but also made a significant impact on the health and well-being of her community.

Let's Reflect


The stories of Alex and Sarah's journey from disappointment to success are a testament to the transformative power of community engagement and thoughtful planning. By learning from their experiences and following the steps outlined in this guide, you can avoid some of the pitfalls and increase the likelihood of success for your own projects.

Remember, radical gardening is about more than just growing plants; it's about sowing the seeds of change in our communities. By understanding your community's needs, collaborating effectively, and creating a well-thought-out plan, you can create a vibrant and successful resource that brings people together, fosters education, and promotes sustainability.

So, whether you're just starting or looking to revitalize an existing project, take the time to explore, fill a missing gap, collaborate, create a detailed action plan, and seek feedback along the way. By doing so, you'll not only create a beautiful initiative but also cultivate a stronger, more connected community.

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Learn How to Sow Seeds of Change With The Radical Gardening Resource Guide!

Download the Radical Gardening Resource Guide for actionable steps to transform your love of gardening into a powerful force for community impact.